A Parent Leadership

Do you feel burnt out, overwhelmedand tired of the guilt as a busy parent?

This surprising strategy shows 3 SIMPLE STEPS to finally take control of your triggers, remove the guilt, and turn them into connection with your kids and build a family culture as A Parent Leader.

Learn the strategy for FREE on the next page.
(Register through email or schedule a call)




Start with your first A Parent Leadership class and get a Healthy Communication Guide.

Release parenting guilt and re-write your family story.

"Take courage. It is I. Don't be afraid."
(Calming of the sea) Matthew 14:27

Schedule a Family Leadership Session

She was lost, desperate, and ruled by her guilt. This is why she shares about A Parent Leadership with other.

This father went from not having much contact with his daughter to building a deep connection within a few weeks.

Start with your first A Parent Leadership class and get a Healthy Communication Guide.

Release parenting guilt and re-write your family story.

What's the cost of not changing these cycles?

Familial Cost

  • Losing connection 
  • Drifting apart 
  • Aggression 
  • Yelling 
  • Fatigue 
  • Shame 
  • Regret 
  • Confrontational 
  • ___________

Life Cost

  • Unfocused at work 
  • Missing or losing opportunities 
  • No social life 
  • Accidents (car, work, kitchen, etc) 
  • Stuck in a rut 
  • Bad grades 
  • Reputation 
  • Loss of confidence 
  • _____________

Will you allow your past cycles to raise your kids or is it time to take control?